Dec 12, 2018
Reinventing the independent school tuition model to expand affordability and accessibility seems daunting, but The Gordon School (RI) brainstormed a forward-thinking solution. Peter and Hans talk with Head of School Noni Thomas Lopez and CFO Tom Cicatiello about their new Family Individualized Tuition (FIT) program,
Nov 28, 2018
The Association of Boarding Schools launched the North American Boarding Initiative (NABI) to increase market knowledge and understanding of boarding schools as a whole, with the ultimate goal of filling the domestic boarding school admission funnel.
Join Peter and Hans as they learn from Sheila Mitchell, VP of market...
Nov 14, 2018
The power of data transforms schools, industries, and the world. Twenty-five years ago, independent school admission and enrollment professionals came together at the first Chatham Experience to share data and examine regional trends. Now these participants gather to share how data has transformed their admission...
Oct 31, 2018
Understanding your school's enrollment and matriculation data is important, but even more critical is relating that data to the greater national and regional trends affecting enrollment. Each year, the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) publishes the NAIS Trendbook to examine the trends and...
Oct 17, 2018
Is affordability keeping families from enrolling in your school? It's cited time and time again as the #1 reason families do not apply or attend independent schools. In this episode, Rick Branson, Head of School and Linda Dennison, Deputy Head of School and Chief Financial Officer from Indian Creek School, talk about...