Jul 29, 2020
Join us for a conversation with Brigadier General Retired David Wesley. Dave served as an active-duty officer in the Air Force for 26 years before retiring in 2014. For the last five years, he’s been the president of Randolph-Macon Academy in Virginia. We’ve invited Dave to speak with us today as a part of our new...
Jul 23, 2020
Join us for a conversation with Mark McKee and Laurel Baker Tew.
Mark is the Head of School at Viewpoint School in Calabasas, California where Laurel is the Assistant Head of School for Enrollment Management. Mark and Laurel are deeply committed to independent schools and the field of enrollment management. In fact just...
Jul 10, 2020
Join us for a conversation with Dr. Susan Emery as she describes Whittle GO! a new online program.
Susan is Co-Head of Admissions, Director of Financial Aid, and Associate Director of Boarding Admissions for the DC Campus of Whittle School & Studios. Before that she had more than 15 years of international and domestic...